library(vegan) library(fossil) library(fpc) library(ape) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read data, convert to presence/absence matrix #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FaunalList <- read.csv ("El-Sayed_et_al_faunal_data.csv") PresenceAbsence <- create.matrix (FaunalList, = "Clade", locality = "Site") #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Forbes metric from code from: # # Brocklehurst, N., Day, M.O., Rubidge, B.S., and Fröbisch, J., 2017, # Olson’s Extinction and the latitudinal biodiversity gradient of tetrapods in the Permian: # Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, vol. 284, p. 20170231. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alroy_Forbes<-function(occs) { output<-matrix(nrow=ncol(occs),ncol=ncol(occs)) rownames(output)<-colnames(occs) colnames(output)<-colnames(occs) for(i in 1:nrow(output)) { for (j in 1:ncol(output)) { species.A<-rownames(occs)[which(occs[,rownames(output)[i]]!=0)] species.B<-rownames(occs)[which(occs[,colnames(output)[j]]!=0)] n<-length(unique(c(species.A,species.B))) a<-length(intersect(species.A,species.B)) b<-length(which(species.A%in%species.B==F)) c<-length(which(species.B%in%species.A==F)) output[i,j]<-1-((a*(n+sqrt(n)))/((a*(n+sqrt(n)))+(3/2*b*c))) } } output<-as.dist(output) return(output) } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Calculate Forbes index for comparisons #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ distances <- Alroy_Forbes(PresenceAbsence) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Export distances as .csv #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ write.csv(as.matrix(distances), file = "El-Sayed_et_al_distances.csv") #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Test for number of clusters in data (over range from 2-10) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pamk (distances, krange=2:10, usepam=TRUE) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # NMDS #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NMDS <- metaMDS (distances, k=2, trymax = 1000) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # PCOA with Lingoes correction #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PCOA <- pcoa (distances, correction = "lingoes") #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Basic plotting #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ages <- FaunalList[(match(rownames(NMDS$points), FaunalList [, "Site"])), "Age"] colors <- vector (length = length (ages)) colors [which(ages == "Priabonian")] <- rgb (255/255, 201/255, 153/255, 1) colors [which(ages == "Bartonian")] <- rgb (255/255, 201/255, 153/255, 1) colors [which(ages == "Lutetian")] <- rgb (255/255, 201/255, 153/255, 1) colors [which(ages == "Ypresian")] <- rgb (255/255, 201/255, 153/255, 1) colors [which(ages == "PETM")] <- rgb(204/255, 0, 0, 1) colors [which(ages == "Selandian")] <- rgb(239/255, 144/255, 80/255, 1) colors [which(ages == "Danian")] <- rgb(239/255, 144/255, 80/255, 1) colors [which(ages == "Maastrichtian")] <- rgb(166/255, 216/255, 74/255, 1) symbols <- vector (length = length (ages)) symbols [which(ages == "Priabonian")] <- 25 symbols [which(ages == "Bartonian")] <- 25 symbols [which(ages == "Lutetian")] <- 25 symbols [which(ages == "Ypresian")] <- 25 symbols [which(ages == "PETM")] <- 21 symbols [which(ages == "Selandian")] <- 23 symbols [which(ages == "Danian")] <- 23 symbols [which(ages == "Maastrichtian")] <- 22 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output basic .pdf plots for visualization # (Templates for Fig. 4, Fig. S7) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pdf("El-Sayed_et_al_NMDS.pdf", width=3.5, height=3.5) plot (NMDS$points[,1], NMDS$points[,2], pch = symbols, col = "transparent", bg = colors, cex.axis = 0.8, cex.lab = 0.8, cex = 1.25, xlab = "NMDS 1", ylab = "NMDS 2", tck=-0.035, asp = 1, xlim = c(-0.56, 0.54), ylim = c(-0.35, 0.35)) pdf("El-Sayed_et_al_PCOA.pdf", width=3.5, height=3.5) plot (PCOA$vectors.cor[,1], PCOA$vectors.cor[,2], pch = symbols, col = "transparent", bg = colors, cex.axis = 0.8, cex.lab = 0.8, cex = 1.25, xlab = "PCO 1", ylab = "PCO 2", tck=-0.035, asp = 1, xlim = c(-0.4, 0.9), ylim = c(-0.6, 0.6))