library(tidyverse) library(velociraptr) library(fossil) library(RColorBrewer) library(ggthemes) <- read_csv("__") # pollen data as a tibble <- read_csv("__") # pollen genus names and codes as a tibble <- read_csv("__") # pollen data without moss <- read_csv("__") <- read_csv("__") # Making the formation.information dataframe pollen.formations <- %>% distinct(Formation, `Paleolat (76 Ma)`, `Paleolon (76 Ma)`, `Paleolat (70.5 Ma)`, `Paleolon (70.5 Ma)`, Lat, Lon, `Quantitative Age`) %>% group_by(Formation) %>% summarise_all(mean) leaf.formations <- %>% distinct(Formation, `Paleolat (76 Ma)`, `Paleolon (76 Ma)`, `Paleolat (70.5 Ma)`, `Paleolon (70.5 Ma)`, Lat, Lon, `Quantitative Age`) %>% group_by(Formation) %>% summarise_all(mean) %>% filter(Formation != "unknown") formation.information <- full_join(pollen.formations, leaf.formations) formation.information <- formation.information %>% distinct() %>% group_by(Formation) %>% summarise_all(mean) write.csv(formation.information, "file") formation.information <- read.csv("file") # This file is purposely read in as a regular dataframe instead of a tibble ### Make presence-absence tables of all plants #### plant.pres.ab.matrices <- function(,, filename) { # Opens plant.pres.ab.matrices function # the first two files to include are tibbles of distribution data. filename is a character string with .csv ending for the final PA matrix. #This makes a genus column by matching the genus code from the genus list in another sheet <- %>% mutate('Genus' =$Genus[ match(`Genus Code`,$`Genus Code`)]) <- # Make the plant presence-absence matrix from the available formation and taxon list partial.plant.matrix1 <- presenceMatrix(, "Formation", "Genus") partial.plant.matrix2 <- presenceMatrix(, "Formation", "Genus/Species") plant.pMatrix <- cbind(partial.plant.matrix1, partial.plant.matrix2) write.csv(plant.pMatrix, filename) return(plant.pMatrix) } #Closes plant.pres.ab.matrices function ## Make the PA Matrices pollen.pMatrix <- plant.pres.ab.matrices(,, filename ="Pollen PA Matrix.csv") no.moss.pollen.pMatrix <- plant.pres.ab.matrices( ,, filename ="No Moss Pollen PA Matrix.csv") leaf.pMatrix <-plant.pres.ab.matrices(,, filename = "Leaf PA Matrix.csv") # A little clean up leaf.pMatrix <- leaf.pMatrix[ ,-1] write.csv(leaf.pMatrix, "Leaf PA Matrix.csv") pollen.pMatrix <- read.csv("Pollen PA Matrix.csv", header = T, row.names = 1) # as a regular dataframe no.moss.pollen.pMatrix <- read.csv("No Moss Pollen PA Matrix.csv", header = T, row.names = 1) leaf.pMatrix <- read.csv("Leaf PA Matrix.csv", header = T, row.names = 1) ##################### Boundary Latitude Vector ##################################### Hypothesized.Boundaries <- seq(40, 60 ,1) ########################################################################################### ################### Analysis ###################### ## Function to compute the individual similarities for plants. Taxon.Similarity.Func <- function(Pres.matrix, Taxon, Boundary.Lat, formation.information){ # Pres.matrix is the presence-absence matrix; Taxon is a character string name of the general taxonomic group being analyzed # Boundary.Lat is a vector of the hypothesized boundaries between two biogeographical provinces # time.period is either Campanian or Maastrichtian, depending on which paleolatitudes you want to use p <- nrow(Pres.matrix) # defining with a single object keeps code clean # Make a final results matrix. This needs to have a unique combination of formations. It also needs to have four columns: Formation 1, Formation2, distance between, and similarity between Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Names <- c("Formation 1", "Formation 2", "Boundary Latitude", "Campanian Provincial Comparison", "Maastrichtian Provincial Comparison", "Line Distance", "Mean Age Formation 1", "Mean Age Formation 2", "Time Gap", "Similarity", "Taxon") Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix <- matrix(ncol=length(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Names), nrow=(p*(p-1)/2*length(Boundary.Lat))) colnames(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix) <- Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Names # Three loops here. The largest loop, Boundary.Loop, controls the ciruclation of the two inner loops across all proposed latitudinal boundaries. # Inner Loop One One will control the Formation 1 column and the Inner Loop Two will control Formation 2 # loop calculates the physical distance and similarity between all formations rowNumber <- 0 # this sets the initial row number to 0. Everytime it goes through the loop the next row number is added for (Boundary.Loop in 1:length(Boundary.Lat)) { # Opens Boundary.Loop print(Boundary.Loop) for (Form1 in 1:(p-1)){ # The end value is one away from the end of the vector, you cant compare the last formation to itself print(Form1) Formation_1 <- row.names(Pres.matrix)[Form1] # Defining the Formation Formation_1_row <- which ( formation.information$`Formation`== Formation_1 ) # finds the row number for Formation_1 for (Form2 in (Form1+1):p){ # The beginning value chooses the adjacent formation to the Form 1 formation print(Form2) Formation_2 <- row.names(Pres.matrix)[Form2] Formation_2_row<- which ( formation.information$`Formation`== Formation_2 ) # Finds the row number for Formation_2 rowNumber <- rowNumber+1 # Starts the results matrix row progression # Input names and abbreviations into the results matrix Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber,'Formation 1'] <- Formation_1 #Form_1_Abbrev <- as.character(formation.information [ Formation_1_row, "Formation.Abbreviation"]) # Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Formation 1 Abbreviation"] <- Form_1_Abbrev # The above code identifies the abbreviation for Formation_1 by locating the row of that designated formation in the # formation.information dataframe, then choosing the abbreviation from that row. Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, 'Formation 2'] <- Formation_2 # Form_2_Abbrev <- as.character(formation.information [ Formation_2_row, "Formation.Abbreviation"]) # Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Formation 2 Abbreviation"] <- Form_2_Abbrev ## Below is the Boundary Latitude for the current comparison Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Boundary Latitude"] <- Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop] ## Below are the Provincial comparison columns Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Campanian Provincial Comparison"] <- if (formation.information [Formation_1_row, "Paleolat..76.Ma."] >= Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop] & formation.information [Formation_2_row , "Paleolat..76.Ma."] >= Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop]) { "North-North" } else { if (formation.information [Formation_1_row, "Paleolat..76.Ma."] < Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop] & formation.information [Formation_2_row , "Paleolat..76.Ma."] < Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop]) { "South-South"} else { "North-South"} } Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Maastrichtian Provincial Comparison"] <- if (formation.information [Formation_1_row, "Paleolat..70.5.Ma."] >= Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop] & formation.information [Formation_2_row , "Paleolat..70.5.Ma."] >= Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop]) { "North-North" } else { if (formation.information [Formation_1_row, "Paleolat..70.5.Ma."] < Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop] & formation.information [Formation_2_row , "Paleolat..70.5.Ma."] < Boundary.Lat[Boundary.Loop]) { "South-South"} else { "North-South"} } ## below is the distance formula (in km) between formations...this is from the 'fossil' package. Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Line Distance"] <- as.numeric( round(deg.dist(formation.information[Formation_1_row, "Lat"], formation.information[Formation_1_row, "Lon"], formation.information[Formation_2_row, "Lat"], formation.information[Formation_2_row, "Lon"]), 2)) ## below is the Mean Age for Formation 1 Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Mean Age Formation 1"] <- as.numeric(formation.information$`Quantitative.Age`[Formation_1_row]) Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Mean Age Formation 2"] <- as.numeric(formation.information$`Quantitative.Age`[Formation_2_row]) ## below is the difference in time between the two formations being compared. Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Time Gap"] <- as.numeric( abs(formation.information [ Formation_1_row, "Quantitative.Age"] - formation.information [ Formation_2_row, "Quantitative.Age"])) # The Dice-Sorenson similarity coefficient was used in this study because it was found to be one of the # best similarity measures to use across all levels of data saturation by Hurbalek (1982), Archer and Maples (1987), and Maples and Archer (1988). # Shi (1993), found strong support or the Jaccard index but the previous authors did not consistently recomment # its use. Additionally, we use the Chao estimator for the Sorenson index (chao et al., 2005) to increase accuracy Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Similarity"] <- as.numeric(round(sorenson(Pres.matrix[Form1, ], Pres.matrix[Form2, ]), 2) ) # the notation between the brackets designates the entire row of the matrix Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix [rowNumber, "Taxon"] <- Taxon } # closes Form2 loop, good practice to label which loops close what so you don't forget } # closes Form1 loop } # closes Boundary.Loop Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib <- as_tibble(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix) #Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib <- unite (Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib, 'Comparison Code', c("Formation 1 Abbreviation", "Formation 2 Abbreviation"), sep="-", remove=F) # This is combining the formation abbreviations for use in plots below Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Line Distance` <- as.numeric(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Line Distance`) Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib <- mutate(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib, "Relative Line Distance" = Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$"Line Distance"/max(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$"Line Distance")) Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Similarity` <- as.numeric(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Similarity`) Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Mean Age Formation 1` <- as.numeric(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Mean Age Formation 1`) Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Time Gap` <- as.numeric(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib$`Time Gap`) return(Sim.Dist.Results.Matrix.Tib) } # Closes Taxon.Similarity.Func function ####### Compiling the individual simialrity results ########### ## Applying the functions on plant data Pollen.Biogeo.Results <- Taxon.Similarity.Func ( Pres.matrix = pollen.pMatrix, Taxon = "Complete pollen", Boundary.Lat = Hypothesized.Boundaries, formation.information = formation.information) No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results <- Taxon.Similarity.Func ( Pres.matrix = no.moss.pollen.pMatrix, Taxon = "No moss pollen", Boundary.Lat = Hypothesized.Boundaries, formation.information = formation.information) Leaf.Biogeo.Results <- Taxon.Similarity.Func ( Pres.matrix = leaf.pMatrix, Taxon = "Leaves", Boundary.Lat = Hypothesized.Boundaries, formation.information = formation.information) Pollen.Biogeo.Results <- as_tibble(Pollen.Biogeo.Results) No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results <- as_tibble(No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results) Leaf.Biogeo.Results <- as_tibble(Leaf.Biogeo.Results) ######### Save data to file ############################ Save the data to a csv file write.csv(Pollen.Biogeo.Results, "Pollen Biogeography Similarity Results.csv") write.csv(No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results, "No Moss Pollen Biogeography Similarity Results.csv") write.csv(Leaf.Biogeo.Results, "Leaf Biogeography Similarity Results.csv") ############################################ Hypothesized Boundary Similarity Variance ################### ############################################### ##################### ## The below function calculates the varaince in similarity values between formations north and south of a proposed boundary latitude # Further, the function automatically produces graphics showing all of the data and a plot showing Loess smoothed results # Note that this function is written to be run by a CSV file that is read into R as a base dataframe...i.e., with all spaces in column names replaced with periods Similarity.Variance <- function (Similarity.Results.Tibble, Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples, Time.Period, plant.type) { # Opens Similarity Variance function Bound.Var.Matrix.Names <- Hypothesized.Boundaries Var.Results.Subsample.Names <- c("Latitude", "North", "South", "Variance Difference", "Boundary Ratio") Var.Results.Subsample <- matrix (ncol=length(Var.Results.Subsample.Names), nrow=1) colnames(Var.Results.Subsample) <- Var.Results.Subsample.Names Var.Results.Raw.Names <- c("Latitude", "North", "South", "Cross-Boundary Variance", "Subsample Mean") Var.Results.Raw <- matrix (ncol=length(Var.Results.Raw.Names), nrow=length(Bound.Var.Matrix.Names)) colnames(Var.Results.Raw) <- Var.Results.Raw.Names for (test.bnd in 1:length(Hypothesized.Boundaries) ) { # opens test.bnd FORLOOP <- Similarity.Results.Tibble %>% filter(`Boundary.Latitude` == Hypothesized.Boundaries[test.bnd]) Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "Latitude"] <- Hypothesized.Boundaries[test.bnd] if (Time.Period == "Campanian") { <- %>% filter(`Campanian.Provincial.Comparison` == "North-North") Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "North"] <- var($`Similarity`) <- %>% filter(`Campanian.Provincial.Comparison` == "South-South") Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "South"] <- var($`Similarity`) <- %>% filter(`Campanian.Provincial.Comparison` == "North-South" &$`Line.Distance` < 500) # This sets a maximum distance (in km) to the cross-boundary comparisons } else { <- %>% filter(`Maastrichtian.Provincial.Comparison` == "North-North") Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "North"] <- var($`Similarity`) <- %>% filter(`Maastrichtian.Provincial.Comparison` == "South-South") Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "South"] <- var($`Similarity`) <- %>% filter(`Maastrichtian.Provincial.Comparison` == "North-South" &$`Line.Distance` < 500) # This sets a maximum distance (in km) to the cross-boundary comparisons } Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "Cross-Boundary Variance"] <- var($`Similarity`) if (length ($`Similarity`) > length ($`Similarity`)) { North.Larger <- 1 larger.sample <- smaller.sample <-} else { North.Larger <- 0 larger.sample <- smaller.sample <- } # closes length ($Similarity IFELSE mean.results.vector <- vector(length=Num.Random.Samples) for (e in 1:Num.Random.Samples) { #Opens e FORLOOP temp.results.vector <- vector(length=length(Var.Results.Subsample.Names)) names(temp.results.vector) <- Var.Results.Subsample.Names subsample.vector <- sample (x = seq(1, length(larger.sample$Similarity)), size = length(smaller.sample$Similarity)) var.larger.sample <- var(larger.sample$Similarity[subsample.vector]) # This finds the variance of randomly chosen Similarity values from the larger sample equal to the number of samples in the smaller sample var.smaller.sample <- var(smaller.sample$Similarity) # This finds the variance of the entire smaller sample temp.results.vector["Latitude"] <- Hypothesized.Boundaries[test.bnd] temp.results.vector["North"] <- if (North.Larger == 1) { var.larger.sample } else { var.smaller.sample } temp.results.vector["South"] <- if (North.Larger == 0) { var.larger.sample} else { var.smaller.sample } temp.results.vector["Variance Difference"] <- abs( var.larger.sample - var.smaller.sample ) temp.results.vector["Boundary Ratio"] <- Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "Cross-Boundary Variance"] / temp.results.vector["Variance Difference"] mean.results.vector[e] <- temp.results.vector["Variance Difference"] # This is storing the Variance Difference from the subsampled similarities Var.Results.Subsample <- rbind (Var.Results.Subsample, temp.results.vector) } # Closes e FORLOOP Var.Results.Raw[test.bnd, "Subsample Mean"] <- mean(mean.results.vector) } # opens test.bnd FORLOOP Var.Results.Raw <- as_tibble(Var.Results.Raw) Var.Results.Raw <- Var.Results.Raw %>% mutate("Raw Difference" = abs(North - South)) Var.Results.Subsample <- as_tibble(Var.Results.Subsample) Var.Results.Subsample$Latitude <- as.numeric(Var.Results.Subsample$Latitude) Var.Results.Raw <- Var.Results.Raw %>% filter(`Cross-Boundary Variance` > 0) ## LOESS analysis of subsampled variance Var.Diff.Loess <- loess(Var.Results.Subsample$`Variance Difference` ~ Var.Results.Subsample$Latitude, span = 0.75, method = "loess" ) Camp.Subsamp <- Var.Results.Subsample %>% filter(North >= 0) %>% mutate("LOESS Var Diff" = Var.Diff.Loess$fitted) %>% distinct(Latitude, `LOESS Var Diff`) Var.Results.Raw <- Var.Results.Raw %>% mutate("LOESS Var Diff" = Camp.Subsamp$`LOESS Var Diff` [match(Latitude, Camp.Subsamp$Latitude)]) %>% mutate("LOESS Difference" = `LOESS Var Diff` - `Cross-Boundary Variance`) ### Plots of Data Plot.Subsample <- drop_na(Var.Results.Subsample) Plot.Raw <- Var.Results.Raw %>% drop_na() Variance.Plot.Raw <- Plot.Raw %>% select(Latitude, North, South) %>% gather(North, South, key="Region", value = "Raw Variance") plot.title <- paste(plant.type, "Variance", Time.Period, sep = " ") plot.file.title.SuppMat <- paste(Time.Period, plant.type, "Similarity Variance Supp Material.pdf", sep=" ") plot.file.title <- paste(Time.Period, plant.type, "Similarity Variance.pdf", sep = " ") Total_Plot <- ggplot( ) + # Figure for Supplementary Material geom_col(data = Variance.Plot.Raw, mapping = aes( x= `Latitude`, y=`Raw Variance`, fill = `Region`), position = "dodge") + # Variance columns scale_fill_brewer(palette = "GnBu") + # setting the color scale theme_classic() + # plain white background geom_point(data = Plot.Subsample, mapping = aes( x = Latitude, y =`Variance Difference`), position = "jitter", color = "dark green", shape = 16, size= 1, alpha = 0.5) + # Subsampled points geom_smooth(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes( x = Latitude, y =`Subsample Mean`, weight = 0.5), color = "royal blue", linetype = 2, alpha = 0.1) + geom_point(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes(x = Latitude, y = `Raw Difference`), color = "black", size = 2, alpha = 0.5) + geom_line(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes(x = Latitude, y = `Raw Difference`), color = "black", linetype = 1, alpha = 0.5) + geom_line(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes(x = Latitude, y = `Cross-Boundary Variance`) , color = "orange", linetype = 1, alpha = .5) + # Line of Cross-Boundary variance geom_point(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes(x = Latitude, y = `Cross-Boundary Variance`) , color = "orange", size = 2, shape = 16, alpha = .5) + # Points of Cross-Boundary variance labs(title = plot.title, x = "Latitude", y = "Similarity Variance") + ggsave(plot.file.title.SuppMat, device="pdf", width = 30, height = 30, units="cm") Simple_Plot <- ggplot( ) + # Figure for Paper scale_fill_brewer(palette = "GnBu") + # setting the color scale theme_classic() + # plain white background stat_smooth(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes( x = Latitude, y =`Subsample Mean`, weight = 0.5), color = "royal blue", linetype = 2, alpha = 0.1) + stat_smooth(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes( x = Latitude, y =`Cross-Boundary Variance`, weight = 0.5), color = "orange", linetype = 2, alpha = 0.1) + #geom_line(data = Plot.Raw, mapping = aes(x = Latitude, y = `Cross-Boundary Variance`) , color = "orange", linetype = 1, alpha = .5) + # Line of Cross-Boundary variance labs(title = plot.title, x = "Latitude", y = "Similarity Variance") + ggsave(plot.file.title, device="pdf", width = 30, height = 30, units="cm") Raw.File.Name <- paste(plant.type, " Raw Variance Results ", Time.Period, ".csv", sep="") write.csv(Var.Results.Raw, Raw.File.Name) Subsample.Var.File.Name <- paste(plant.type, " Subsample Variance Results ", Time.Period, ".csv", sep="") write.csv(Var.Results.Subsample, Subsample.Var.File.Name) Var.Results.List <- list(Var.Results.Raw = Var.Results.Raw, Var.Results.Subsample = Var.Results.Subsample, Simple.Plot = Simple_Plot, Total.Plot = Total_Plot) return (Var.Results.List) } ## closes Similarity Variance function ## Filter the data into appropriate bins for analysis Pollen.Biogeo.Results$`Mean Age Formation 2` <- as.numeric(Pollen.Biogeo.Results$`Mean Age Formation 2`) No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results$`Mean Age Formation 2` <- as.numeric(No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results$`Mean Age Formation 2`) Leaf.Biogeo.Results$`Mean Age Formation 2` <- as.numeric(Leaf.Biogeo.Results$`Mean Age Formation 2`) Plant.Results.Filtered.Time <- function(Plant.Biogeo.Results, Camp.Young.Age, Camp.Old.Age, EM.Young.Age, EM.Old.Age, LM.Young.Age, LM.Old.Age, Time.Gap) { # opens Plant.Results.Filtered.Time FUNCTION Plant.Results.Camp <- Plant.Biogeo.Results %>% # Campanian bin, between 83 - 72 Ma filter( between(`Mean.Age.Formation.1`, left = Camp.Young.Age, right = Camp.Old.Age) & between(`Mean.Age.Formation.2`, Camp.Young.Age, Camp.Old.Age) & `Time.Gap` <= Time.Gap) Plant.Results.EMaastricht <- Plant.Biogeo.Results %>% # E Maastrichtian bin, betwen 80 and 69 Ma filter( between(`Mean.Age.Formation.1`, left = EM.Young.Age, right = EM.Old.Age) & between(`Mean.Age.Formation.2`, EM.Young.Age, EM.Old.Age) & `Time.Gap` <= Time.Gap) Plant.Results.LMaastricht <- Plant.Biogeo.Results %>% # L. Maastrichtian bin, between 77 and 66 Ma filter( between(`Mean.Age.Formation.1`, left = LM.Young.Age, right = LM.Old.Age) & between(`Mean.Age.Formation.2`, LM.Young.Age, LM.Old.Age) & `Time.Gap` <= Time.Gap) Return.List <- list("Campanian Data" = Plant.Results.Camp, "Early Maastrichtian Data" = Plant.Results.EMaastricht, "Late Maastrichtian Data" = Plant.Results.LMaastricht) return(Return.List) } # closes Plant.Results.Filtered.Time FUNCTION Comp.Pollen.Results.Filtered <- Plant.Results.Filtered.Time(Pollen.Biogeo.Results, Camp.Young.Age = 72, Camp.Old.Age = 80, EM.Young.Age = 69, EM.Old.Age = 78, LM.Young.Age = 66, LM.Old.Age = 74, Time.Gap = 3) No.Moss.Pollen.Results.Filtered <- Plant.Results.Filtered.Time(No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results, Camp.Young.Age = 72, Camp.Old.Age = 80, EM.Young.Age = 69, EM.Old.Age = 78, LM.Young.Age = 66, LM.Old.Age = 74, Time.Gap = 3) Leaf.Results.Filtered <- Plant.Results.Filtered.Time(Leaf.Biogeo.Results, Camp.Young.Age = 72, Camp.Old.Age = 80, EM.Young.Age = 69, EM.Old.Age = 78, LM.Young.Age = 66, LM.Old.Age = 74, Time.Gap = 3) ##### Run the Similarity.variance function for Pollen #### Var.Results.Pollen.Camp <- Similarity.Variance(Comp.Pollen.Results.Filtered[[1]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "Campanian", plant.type = "Pollen") Var.Results.Pollen.EMaastricht <- Similarity.Variance(Comp.Pollen.Results.Filtered[[2]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "E. Maastrichtian", plant.type = "Pollen") Var.Results.Pollen.LMaastricht <- Similarity.Variance(Comp.Pollen.Results.Filtered[[3]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "L. Maastrichtian", plant.type = "Pollen") Pollen.Data.Plots <- ggarrange(Var.Results.Pollen.Camp$Simple.Plot, Var.Results.Pollen.EMaastricht$Simple.Plot, Var.Results.Pollen.LMaastricht$Simple.Plot, Var.Results.Pollen.Camp$Total.Plot, Var.Results.Pollen.EMaastricht$Total.Plot, Var.Results.Pollen.LMaastricht$Total.Plot, nrow = 2, ncol = 3, common.legend = T, legend = "right") ggsave("Pollen Data Plots.pdf", plot = Pollen.Data.Plots, width = 40, height = 40, units = "cm") ## Run the Similarity.variance function for No Moss Pollen Var.Results.No.Moss.Camp <- Similarity.Variance(No.Moss.Pollen.Results.Filtered[[1]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "Campanian", plant.type = "No Moss Pollen") Var.Results.No.Moss.EMaastricht <- Similarity.Variance(No.Moss.Pollen.Results.Filtered[[2]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "E. Maastrichtian", plant.type = "No Moss Pollen") Var.Results.No.Moss.LMaastricht <- Similarity.Variance(No.Moss.Pollen.Results.Filtered[[3]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "L. Maastrichtian", plant.type = "No Moss Pollen") No.Moss.Data.Plot <- ggarrange(Var.Results.No.Moss.Camp$Simple.Plot, Var.Results.No.Moss.EMaastricht$Simple.Plot, Var.Results.No.Moss.LMaastricht$Simple.Plot, Var.Results.No.Moss.Camp$Total.Plot, Var.Results.No.Moss.EMaastricht$Total.Plot, Var.Results.No.Moss.LMaastricht$Total.Plot, nrow = 2, ncol = 3) ggsave("No Moss Data Plots.pdf", plot = No.Moss.Data.Plot, width = 40, height = 40, units = "cm") ## Run the Similarity.variance function for Leaves Var.Results.Leaves.Camp <- Similarity.Variance(Leaf.Results.Filtered[[1]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "Campanian", plant.type = "Leaf") Var.Results.Leaves.EMaastricht <- Similarity.Variance(Leaf.Results.Filtered[[2]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "E. Maastrichtian", plant.type = "Leaf") Var.Results.Leaves.LMaastricht <- Similarity.Variance(Leaf.Results.Filtered[[3]], Hypothesized.Boundaries = Hypothesized.Boundaries, Num.Random.Samples = 100, Time.Period = "L. Maastrichtian", plant.type = "Leaf") Leaf.Data.Plot <- ggarrange(Var.Results.Leaves.Camp$Simple.Plot , Var.Results.Leaves.Camp$Total.Plot, nrow = 2, ncol = 2) ggsave("Leaf Variance Data Plots.pdf", plot = Leaf.Data.Plot, width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm") ########## line.distance.plot <- function(biogeo.results,, plant.type, high.color, med.color, low.color) { # this function plots the relative distance between formations versus their similarity plotfilename <- paste(plant.type, "Simiarlity v Distance Plot.pdf", sep = " ") <- biogeo.results %>% filter(between(`Mean.Age.Formation.1`, left = 72, right = 83) & between(`Mean.Age.Formation.2`, 72, 83) & `Time.Gap` <= 3) <- biogeo.results %>% filter(between(`Mean.Age.Formation.1`, left = 66, right = 72) & between(`Mean.Age.Formation.2`, 66, 72) & `Time.Gap` <= 3) Camp.scat <- ggplot( + geom_jitter( aes(x = `Line.Distance`, y = Similarity, fill = `Mean.Age.Formation.1`, size = `Time.Gap`), shape = 21, color = med.color, alpha = 1/10) + scale_fill_gradient(high = high.color , low = med.color) + scale_size(trans = "reverse")+ theme_dark() + guides(size = F, alpha = F) + xlab("Distance (km)") + labs(fill = "Age (Ma)") + ggtitle("Campanian") ggsave(plotfilename, width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm") Maas.scat <- ggplot( + geom_jitter( aes(x = `Line.Distance`, y = Similarity, fill = `Mean.Age.Formation.1`, size = `Time.Gap`), shape = 21, color = med.color, alpha = 1/10) + scale_fill_gradient(high = med.color, low = low.color) + scale_size(trans="reverse") + theme_dark() + guides(size = F, alpha = F) + xlab("Distance (km)") + labs(fill = "Age (Ma)") + ggtitle("Maastrichtian") ggsave(plotfilename, width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm") combinedplotname <- paste(plant.type, "Camp Maas Similarity Plots.pdf", sep = " ") Camp.Maas.scat <- ggarrange(plots = list(Camp.scat, Maas.scat), align = "h" ) ggsave(combinedplotname, Camp.Maas.scat, width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm", bg = "transparent") } # closes line.distance.plot function Pollen.Biogeo.Results <- read.csv("Pollen Biogeography Similarity Results.csv") No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results <- read.csv("No Moss Pollen Biogeography Similarity Results.csv") Leaf.Biogeo.Results <- read.csv("Leaf Biogeography Similarity Results.csv") Pollen.Raw.Variances.Camp <- read.csv("Pollen Raw Variance Results Campanian.csv") Pollen.Raw.Variances.EMass <- read.csv("Pollen Raw Variance Results E. Maastrichtian.csv") Pollen.Raw.Variances.LMass <- read.csv("Pollen Raw Variance Results L. Maastrichtian.csv") Leaf.Raw.Variances <- read.csv("Leaf Raw Variance Results Campanian.csv") line.distance.plot(Pollen.Biogeo.Results, 3, plant.type = "Pollen", high.color = "goldenrod3", med.color = "gold", low.color = "lightgoldenrodyellow") #pollen plot line.distance.plot(No.Moss.Pollen.Biogeo.Results, 3, plant.type = "No moss pollen") # no moss pollen plot line.distance.plot(Leaf.Biogeo.Results, 3, plant.type = "Leaf", high.color = "darkslategray", med.color = "olivedrab4", low.color = "olivedrab1") # leaf plot <- Pollen.Biogeo.Results %>% filter(`Time.Gap` <= 3) <- Leaf.Biogeo.Results %>% filter(`Time.Gap` <= 3) Pollen.scat.comp <- ggplot( + geom_jitter( aes(x = `Line.Distance`, y = Similarity, fill = `Mean.Age.Formation.1`, size = `Time.Gap`), shape = 21, color = "gold") + scale_fill_gradient(high = "goldenrod3" , low = "lightgoldenrodyellow") + scale_size(trans = "reverse")+ theme_dark() + guides(size = F) + xlab("Distance (km)") + labs(fill = "Age (Ma)") + ggtitle("Pollen") + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5), hjust = 20)) ggsave("Pollen Similarity Distribution.pdf", width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm") Leaf.scat.comp <- ggplot( + geom_jitter( aes(x = `Line.Distance`, y = Similarity, fill = `Mean.Age.Formation.1`, size = `Time.Gap`), shape = 21, color = "olivedrab4") + scale_fill_gradient(high = "forestgreen", low = "olivedrab1") + scale_size(trans="reverse") + theme_dark() + guides(size = F, alpha = F) + xlab("Distance (km)") + labs(fill = "Age (Ma)", title = "Leaves") + ggtitle("Leaves") + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5), hjust = 20)) ggsave("Leaf Similarity Distribution.pdf", width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm") Pollen.Leaf.scat <- ggarrange(plots = list(Pollen.scat.comp, Leaf.scat.comp), align = "h" ) ggsave("Combined Pollen Leaf Similarity", Pollen.Leaf.scat, width = 15, height = 15, units = "cm", bg = "transparent") ## Plotting Latitude and Standardized Variance Difference Stand.Var.Diff.Camp <- tibble(Latitude = Pollen.Raw.Variances.Camp$Latitude, "Standard Variance Difference" = Pollen.Raw.Variances.Camp$Standardized.LOESS.Difference, Time = "Campanian") Stand.Var.Diff.EM <- tibble(Latitude = Pollen.Raw.Variances.EMass$Latitude, "Standard Variance Difference" = Pollen.Raw.Variances.EMass$Standardized.LOESS.Difference, Time = "Early Maastrichtian") Stand.Var.Diff.LM <- tibble(Latitude = Pollen.Raw.Variances.LMass$Latitude, "Standard Variance Difference" = Pollen.Raw.Variances.LMass$Standardized.LOESS.Difference, Time = "Late Maastrichtian") Stand.Var.Combined <- full_join(Stand.Var.Diff.Camp, Stand.Var.Diff.EM) Stand.Var.Combined <- full_join(Stand.Var.Combined, Stand.Var.Diff.LM) Stand.Var.Combined <- filter(Stand.Var.Combined, `Standard Variance Difference` >= 0) levels(Stand.Var.Combined$Time) ggplot(data = Stand.Var.Combined, aes(y=`Standard Variance Difference`, x = Latitude)) + geom_smooth(se = F, aes(color = Time)) + theme_dark() + ylab("Standardized Variance Difference") + scale_color_manual(values = c( "aliceblue", "darkslategray1", "deepskyblue"))+ guides(color=guide_legend(title = NULL)) ggsave("Boundary Variance Late", bg="transparent", width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm")