function [ri,xc,t_out,Dist,w_scale,overlap]=dtw(x,r,tx,tr,g,edge,flag_norm,flag_rmrpt,qplot) %function [ri,xc,Dist,w_scale,overlap]=dtw(x,r,tx,tr,g,edge,flag_norm,flag_rmrpt,qplot) % % Computes the optimatal alignments between a target and candidate sequence % for the specified edge and g parameters. See the manuscript for a % description of these parameters. % % Hay et al. (2019) "A Library of Early Cambrian Chemostratigraphic % Correlations from a Reproducible Algorithm", Geology % last edited February 28, 2019 by Carling Hay % % % INPUTS: % ---------------------------------- % x: target vector % r: candidate vector, can't have NaN's % tx: time/depth vector for x % tr: time/depth vector for r % g: weighting term for going off-diagonal % edge: weighting term for the edges % flag_norm: 1 if you want to normalize the input sections % flag_rmrpt: 1 if you want to remove repeating points within the aligned section % qplot: display output - original and aligned sequences, cost matrix with alignment path % % OUTPUTS: % ------------- % ri: the aligned (warped) version of r % xc: correlation between x and r after warping % Dist: unnormalized distance between t and r % w_scale: average scaling factor % overlap: the number of data points that overlap set(0,'DefaultAxesFontName','Sans Serif') set(0,'DefaultAxesFontSize',14) % set defaults if not specified if nargin<7 g = 1.05; edge = 1; qplot=0; flag_norm = 0; end % save original versions of the time series, xo and ro xo=x; ro=r; % demeans and normalize the input time series to unit std. if flag_norm x=normPH(x(:)'); r=normPH(r(:)'); end % sort the time series to ensure input is monotonic [tx,ind] = sort(tx); x = x(ind); [tr,ind] = sort(tr); r = r(ind); [~,N]=size(x); [~,M]=size(r); % create matrix of the squared difference b/w zero-mean x and r, r - columns, x - rows d=(repmat(x(:),1,M)-repmat(r(:)',N,1)).^2; % impose the edge values d(1,:)=d(1,:)*edge; d(:,end)=d(:,end)*edge; d(end,:)=d(end,:)*edge; d(:,1)=d(:,1)*edge; D=zeros(size(d)); D(1,1)=d(1,1); % fill the the edges of the cummulative difference matrix, D if 1 for n=2:N D(n,1)=d(n,1)+D(n-1,1); end for m=2:M D(1,m)=d(1,m)+D(1,m-1); end end %% Look for the minimum path % look two steps ahead n=2; for m=2:M % check the three preceeding squares to determine square with minimum value D(n,m)=d(n,m)+min([g*D(n-1,m),D(n-1,m-1),g*D(n,m-1)]); end m=2; for n=2:N % check the three preceeding squares to determine square with minimum value D(n,m)=d(n,m)+min([g*D(n-1,m),D(n-1,m-1),g*D(n,m-1)]); end for n=3:N for m=3:M % check the 8 preceeding squares to determine square with minimum value D(n,m)=d(n,m)+min([g*D(n-1,m),D(n-1,m-1),g*D(n,m-1),1.1*g*D(n,m-2),1.05*g*D(n-1,m-2),D(n-2,m-2),1.05*g*D(n-2,m-1),1.1*g*D(n-2,m)]); end end % start at the end point (N,M) and work your way back along the minimum path Dist=D(N,M); n=N; m=M; k=1; w=[]; w(1,:)=[N,M]; while ((n+m)~=2) if (n-1)==0 % if you get to the start of the column, move over one row m=m-1; elseif (m-1)==0 % if you get to the start of the row, move over one column n=n-1; elseif (n-2)==0 && (m-2)==0 n=n-1; m=m-1; elseif (n-2)==0 [~,number]=min([D(n-1,m),D(n,m-1),D(n-1,m-1),D(n,m-2) D(n-1,m-2)]); switch number case 1 n=n-1; % follow the path up a row case 2 m=m-1; % follow the path to the left case 3 n=n-1; % follow the diagonal path m=m-1; case 4 m=m-2; % follow the path to the left 2 case 5 n=n-1; % follow the path to the left 2 and down 1 m=m-2; end elseif (m-2)==0 [~,number]=min([D(n-1,m),D(n,m-1),D(n-1,m-1),D(n-2,m) D(n-2,m-1)]); switch number case 1 n=n-1; % follow the path up a row case 2 m=m-1; % follow the path to the left case 3 n=n-1; % follow the diagonal path m=m-1; case 4 n=n-2; % follow the path to the down 2 case 5 n=n-2; % follow the path to the left 1 and down 2 m=m-1; end else [~,number]=min([D(n-1,m),D(n,m-1),D(n-1,m-1),D(n,m-2),D(n-1,m-2),D(n-2,m-2),D(n-2,m-1),D(n-2,m)]); switch number case 1 n=n-1; % follow the path up a row case 2 m=m-1; % follow the path to the left case 3 n=n-1; % follow the diagonal path m=m-1; case 4 n=[n;n]; % follow the path to the left 2 step m=[m-1;m-2]; case 5 n=[NaN;n-1]; % follow the path to the left 2 and down 1 m=[m-1;m-2]; case 6 n=[n-1;n-2]; % follow the diagonal path 2 steps m=[m-1;m-2]; case 7 n=n-2; % follow the path to the left 2 and down 2 m=m-1; case 8 n=[n-1;n-2]; % follow the path down 2 steps m=[m;m]; end end k=k+1; w=cat(1,w,[n,m]); % extract the final value to step forward in time n = n(end); m = m(end); end %% Extract the time and data along the warping path % Ensures warped time is monotonic. % Option to have warped time starting points averaged or not %Average values of y at repeated values of x, and ensure x is monotonic if 1 % set to 1 if you don't want to average over the first time points % if you want to do this, you also need to compute a warped time pl=find( (w(:,1)>1 & w(:,2)>1) | isnan(w(:,1))); % also keep the NaN's -- needed to interp depth pl=[pl; pl(end)+1]; % find the end indices that are repeating ind1 = find(w(:,2)==w(1,2)); pl = pl(ind1(end):end); % get the extra points that pile up at the end ind2 = find(w(:,1)==w(1,1)); pl = pl(ind2(end):end); % remove repeating warped points in the new time series if flag_rmrpt [~,ind3] = unique(w(:,2),'rows','stable'); % finds the unique rows in w(:,2) [~,~,ind] = intersect(ind3,pl);% finds the unique rows that are still included in pl pl = pl(ind); end % find the NaN's -- this indices need to have interpolated depths ireal = find(~isnan(w(:,1))); inan = find(isnan(w(:,1))); % extract the non-NaN depths [~,~,ind] = intersect(ireal,pl); tmp = NaN(length(pl),2); tmp(ind,1) = tx(w(pl(ind),1)); tmp(ind,2) = ro(w(pl(ind),2)); % find the NaN points, interpolate between the adjacent depths [~,~,ind] = intersect(inan,pl); for ii=1:length(ind) tmp(ind(ii),2) = ro(w(pl(ind(ii)),2)); % use the known data points tmp(ind(ii),1) = 0.5*(tx(w(pl(ind(ii))-1,1)) + tx(w(pl(ind(ii))+1,1))); % interpolate between the depth points end tw = fliplr(tmp(:,1)'); rw = fliplr(tmp(:,2)'); % get the extra points at the end -- only if unique append_t = fliplr(tr(w(1:ind2(end),2))); append_r = fliplr(ro(w(1:ind2(end),2))); % get the extra start points that fall before the target time series start_t = fliplr(tr(w(pl(end)+2:end,2))); start_r = fliplr(ro(w(pl(end)+2:end,2))); % compute the warping scaling factor w_scale = (tx(w(1,1))-tx(w(pl(end),1)))/(tr(w(pl(1),2))-tr(w(pl(end),2))); % shift the extra time at the ends, then scale it if ~isempty(start_t) start_t = w_scale*(start_t - start_t(end)) + tw(1); end if ~isempty(append_t) append_t = w_scale*(append_t - append_t(1)) + tw(end); end else % include averaging over the first few time points tw=fliplr(tx(w(:,1))); % use the rows of w to get the matching time rw=fliplr(ro(w(:,2))); % use the cols of w to get the corresponding values from original time series (not zero mean) end %initialize matrix pl=find(diff(tw)~=0); dj=max(diff([0 pl length(tw)])); tw2=NaN(dj,length(pl)+1); rw2=NaN(dj,length(pl)+1); %initial values tw2(1,1)=tw(1); rw2(1,1)=rw(1); ct2=1; ct3=1; %loop through all entries for ct=2:length(tw) if tw(ct)~=tw(ct-1) ct2=ct2+1; ct3=1; else ct3=ct3+1; end tw2(ct3,ct2)=tw(ct); rw2(ct3,ct2)=rw(ct); end %average matrix into a monotonic vector tw3=tw2(1,:); % average everything but the last point if dj~=1 rw3=nanmean(rw2); rw3(end) = rw2(1,end); else rw3=rw2; end % get the sequences not averaged r_all = rw2(~isnan(rw2(:))); t_all = tw2(~isnan(tw2(:))); % check dimensions of r_all, should be a row vector if size(r_all,1)~=1 r_all = r_all'; t_all = t_all'; end %% Compute the correlation coefficient % make sure that length of t_out is the same as tx for computing xc if length(tw3)~=length(tx) [~,ind_tw,ind_tx] = intersect(tw3,tx); t_out =tw3(ind_tw); ri = rw3(ind_tw); tx_out = tx(ind_tx); xo_out = xo(ind_tx); else t_out = tw3; ri = rw3; tx_out = tx; xo_out = xo; end % compute correlation co-efficient if (length(ri)/length(r))<0.1 % specifies a minimum of 10% overlap xc=NaN; else xc=xcPH(ri,xo_out,1); end overlap = length(ri); %% compute the output sequence % get the full sequence if 0 % if you want to use the averaged sequence, set this to 1 ri = rw3; t_out = tw3; else % if you have points with the same depth ri = r_all; t_out = t_all; end % add extra values to the start of the section [~, ind]=unique(start_t); if length(ind)>1 ri = [start_r(ind(1:end-1)) ri]; t_out = [start_t(ind(1:end-1)) t_out]; end [~, ind]=unique(append_t); if length(ind)>1 ri = [ri append_r(ind(2:end))]; t_out = [t_out append_t(ind(2:end))]; end %% plot everything if qplot colormap hot; h=colormap; colormap(flipud(h)); num=5; for ct=1:num-1 sp(ct,:)=(2:num)+(ct-1)*num; sp2(ct)=(ct-1)*num+1; end subplot(num,num,sp(:)); cla; hold on; imagesc(d); colorbar; caxis([0 60]) % plot the squared distance matrix, d axis tight; axis off; %h=plot(1:length(x),1:length(x),'k--'); set(h,'linewidth',2); % plot a line along the diagonal h=plot(1:length(r),1:length(r),'k--'); set(h,'linewidth',2); % plot a line along the diagonal pl=find( (w(:,1)>1) & (w(:,2)>1)); % plot the minimum distance path h=plot(w(pl,2),w(pl,1),'k'); set(h,'linewidth',2); set(gca,'ydir','normal'); set(gca,'yaxisloc','right'); set(gca,'xaxisloc','top'); subplot(num,num,sp2'); cla; hold on; h=plot(xo,tx,'*r'); set(h,'linewidth',1); % plot the "known" time series xo h=plot(ri,t_out,'*k'); set(h,'linewidth',1); % plot the new warped time series axis tight; h=suptitle(['cross-correlation: ',num2str(xc,2)]); %font(h,12); h=xlabel('d\delta^{13}C'); h=ylabel('depth (m)'); set(gca,'xaxisloc','top'); subplot(num,num,num*(num-1)+2:num*num) h=plot(tr,ro,'*k'); set(h,'linewidth',1); % plot the original non-warped time series, r0 axis tight; h=ylabel('d\delta^{13}C'); h=xlabel('time (m)'); set(gca,'yaxisloc','right'); drawnow; end %% Below are functions used in the script function [odata]=normPH(idata) %This demeans and normalizes a given input function to unit std. %NaNs are ignored and left as are. % %[odata]=normPH(idata); odata=idata-nanmean(idata(:)); odata=odata/nanstd(odata(:)); end function [XC]=xcPH(y1,y2,type,demean,window) %This function computes the cross correlation (r^2) at zero lag for %two input records. Records should be sampled at the same %unifrom intervals. % %records y1 and y2, default is r^2, but if type==1 then returns r. % %function [XC]=xcPH(y1,y2,type,demean); % %y1: 1st record %y2: 2nd record %type: 0=squared cross-correlation, 1=cross-correlation (default=0) %demean: 0=leave the means of y1 and y2 alone, 1=take mean out. (default=1) %window 0=no, 1=yes, use a Hanning window (default=0); y1=y1(:); y2=y2(:); if nargin<3, type=0; end if nargin<4, demean=1; end if nargin<5, window=0; end pl=find(isnan(y1)==0 & isnan(y2)==0); y1=y1(pl); y2=y2(pl); if demean==1 y1=y1-mean(y1); y2=y2-mean(y2); end if window==1 y1=y1.*hanning(length(y1)); y2=y2.*hanning(length(y2)); end if isreal(y1) & isreal(y2) XC= sum(y1.*y2)/sqrt(sum(y1.*y1)*sum(y2.*y2)); else XC= sum(y1.*conj(y2))/sqrt(sum(y1.*conj(y1))*sum(y2.*conj(y2))); end if type~=1, XC=XC^2; end end function hout=suptitle(str) %SUPTITLE Puts a title above all subplots. % SUPTITLE('text') adds text to the top of the figure % above all subplots (a "super title"). Use this function % after all subplot commands. % Drea Thomas 6/15/95 % Warning: If the figure or axis units are non-default, this % will break. % Parameters used to position the supertitle. % Amount of the figure window devoted to subplots plotregion = .92; % Y position of title in normalized coordinates titleypos = .95; % Fontsize for supertitle fs = get(gcf,'defaultaxesfontsize')+4; % Fudge factor to adjust y spacing between subplots fudge=1; haold = gca; figunits = get(gcf,'units'); % Get the (approximate) difference between full height (plot + title % + xlabel) and bounding rectangle. if (~strcmp(figunits,'pixels')) set(gcf,'units','pixels'); pos = get(gcf,'position'); set(gcf,'units',figunits); else pos = get(gcf,'position'); end ff = (fs-4)*1.27*5/pos(4)*fudge; % The 5 here reflects about 3 characters of height below % an axis and 2 above. 1.27 is pixels per point. % Determine the bounding rectange for all the plots % h = findobj('Type','axes'); % findobj is a 4.2 thing.. if you don't have 4.2 comment out % the next line and uncomment the following block. h = findobj(gcf,'Type','axes'); % Change suggested by Stacy J. Hills % If you don't have 4.2, use this code instead %ch = get(gcf,'children'); %h=[]; %for i=1:length(ch), % if strcmp(get(ch(i),'type'),'axes'), % h=[h,ch(i)]; % end %end max_y=0; min_y=1; oldtitle =0; for i=1:length(h) if (~strcmp(get(h(i),'Tag'),'suptitle')) pos=get(h(i),'pos'); if (pos(2) < min_y), min_y=pos(2)-ff/5*3;end if (pos(4)+pos(2) > max_y), max_y=pos(4)+pos(2)+ff/5*2;end else oldtitle = h(i); end end if max_y > plotregion scale = (plotregion-min_y)/(max_y-min_y); for i=1:length(h) pos = get(h(i),'position'); pos(2) = (pos(2)-min_y)*scale+min_y; pos(4) = pos(4)*scale-(1-scale)*ff/5*3; set(h(i),'position',pos); end end np = get(gcf,'nextplot'); set(gcf,'nextplot','add'); if (oldtitle) delete(oldtitle); end ha=axes('pos',[0 1 1 1],'visible','off','Tag','suptitle'); ht=text(.5,titleypos-1,str);set(ht,'horizontalalignment','center','fontsize',fs); set(gcf,'nextplot',np); axes(haold); if nargout hout=ht; end end end